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Margins to Centre 2022

Abandoning Ignorance: The Unexpected Discoveries of Marginalised Groups

Inspired by the works of Edward SaidRobert HoylandPragya Vohra, Saidiya Hartman, Hallie RubenholdVirginia Berridge, and Barbara Demick 

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From Margins to Centre Conference 2022
From Margins to Centre Conference 2022
An undergraduate conference focussing on marginalised histories and literatures.
10 Jun 2022, 10:00 – 17:00 BST
Berrick Saul Building, Harewood Way, Heslington, York YO10 5DD, UK

Meet the Team


Rheanna Dove: Conference Organiser

Organising the Margins to Centre conference has been an incredible experience so far. I am really passionate about promoting the study of global histories and literatures, and I think that getting undergraduates involved in the project to diversify the university curriculum is really important. I am always excited when I discover something I never knew about, and I am always shocked by the amount that is still undiscovered. That is why I chose this years theme of 'Abandoning Ignorance' - to remind us that we will always be able to find more marginalised voices, and make more progress towards greater representation in academia. 

The Conference - See Running Order Below

On the 10th of June 2022, we will be hosting the Margins to Centre Undergraduate Conference, a one day event focused on Marginalised Histories and Literatures at the University of York. Our exciting keynote speaker is Professor Sanjoy Bhattacharya, the director of the Centre for Global Health Histories and the WHO Collaborating Centre for Global Health Histories.


Margins to Centre is completely undergraduate led, and the only conference of its kind in the country! This conference has run successfully for the last two years at the University of York with amazing and renowned speakers across the two years, such as Dr Catherine Hall and Dr Meleisa Ono-George.

The theme for this year's conference is 'Abandoning Ignorance: The Unexpected 'Discoveries' of Marginalised Groups'.

The panels for this year's conference are: 

  • Interpreting Medieval Sexuality and Gender, presented by Professor Katherine Lewis.

  • Exploring the Medieval Middle East, presented by Dr Shazia Jagot.

  • The Modern Medical World, presented by Dr Lana Wanggren.

  • Investigating Classical and Medieval Asia, presented by Professor Imre Galambos.

  • Narratives of Migration, presented by Professor Miles Larmer.


We feel these themes are in need of greater discussion in Universities across the UK, and that there is no better way to shape the future of academia than by hearing from those who will be involved in that future: undergraduate students! We want to give emerging history and literature students the opportunity to meet and talk to experts in the field they are interested in, and give the experts a chance to see what topics the next generation of academics think are underrepresented and in need of further discussion. 


This is the conference's third year, and this year we are determined to explore marginalised groups from an interdisciplinary lens, focusing on both their histories and literature. We believe this is a key step in the representation of both larger marginalised histories and the personal stories of marginalised individuals. Every year, more and more progress is made towards representing marginalised histories and literature in academia, but we know that more progress can always be made, and hope that this conference will give undergraduate students the opportunity to see where they can fit in to the endless march of progress towards a better future for representation in academia. 

Please book a ticket if you are interested in attending! Food and drinks are FREE throughout the day!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

The Margins to Centre Conference Team

Margins to Centre Conference 2022 - Running Order

  • Introduction from Organisers - 10:00-10:20.

  • Keynote Speech - Sanjoy Bhattacharya - 10:20-10:45.

  • Katherine Lewis Introduction to 'Interpreting Medieval Sexuality and Gender' - 10:45-10:55.

             - Presentation 1 - Meely Doherty - 10:55-11:05.

             - Presentation 2 - Olivia Fiorillo - 11:05-11:15.

             - Presentation 3 - Hope Kelly - 11:15-11:25.

             - Panel Discussion and Q&A - 11:25-11:40.

  • Break with FREE Tea and Coffee - 11:40-11:55.

  • Shazia Jagot Introduction to 'Exploring the Medieval Middle East' - 11:55-12:05.

             - Presentation 1 - Chen Yang - 12:05-12:15.

             - Presentation 2 - Anya Ek - 12:15-12:25.

             - Panel Discussion and Q&A - 12:25-12:40.

  • Lunch Break with FREE food and drinks - 12:40-13:40.

  • Lena Wanggren Introduction to 'The Modern Medical World' - 13:40-13:50.

             - Presentation 1 - Gaia Hill - 13:50 -14:00.

             - Presentation 2 - Elizabeth Oakshott - 14:00-14:10.

             - Presentation 3 - Lucy McCormick - 14:10-14:20.

             - Panel Discussion and Q&A - 14:20-14:35.

  • Break with FREE Tea and Coffee - 14:35-14:50.

  • Imre Galambos Introduction to 'Investigating Classical and Medieval Asia' - 14:50-15:00.

            - Presentation 1 - Jacob Berry - 15:00-15:10.

            - Presentation 2 - Edwina Cui - 15:10-15:20.

            - Panel Discussion and Q&A - 15:20-15:35.

  • Break with FREE Tea and Coffee - 15:35-15:50.

  • Miles Larmer Introduction to 'Narratives of Migration' - 15:50-16:00.

           - Presentation 1 - Isabel Lee - 16:00-16:10.

           - Presentation 2 - Sally Parsons - 16:10-16:20.

           - Presentation 3 - Arundhathi M A - 16:20-16:30.

           - Panel Discussion and Q&A - 16:30-16:45.

  • Thank you and Goodbye from Organisers - 16:45-17:00.


Please email all submissions to the email address below. If you have any queries, use this form to reach out to us! Alternatively, you can tweet to us with: #UGhistconf

Thanks for reaching out!


Missed the Conference last year?

Watch this short video to see the some of the wonderful events from the day, or read our online journal!

Heslington, York YO10 5DD, UK

©2019 by From Margins to Centre? An undergraduate conference on marginalised histories.

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